Explore the list of presentations accepted so far for Sardinia 2025 (updated on 21/02/2025). Further proposals may still be submitted >>
Please note that inclusion in the final programme is subject to author registration.
M. Pettersson, O. Johansson - Luleå University of Technology (SE)
Mining Waste Recycling - The establishment of a Circular Industrial Park
M. Patel - EnviroServ Waste Management (ZA)
Neglect around the management of Naturally Occuring Radioactive Material (NORM) residues in South Africa
L. Kanarbik, H. Moora - Tallinn Strategic Management Office (EE)
How local policies can accelerate the shift to a reuse economy - The case of Tallinn City
R. Poungcham, A. Phongphiphat, S. Towprayoon - King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (TH)
Forecasting policy-driven impacts on the Municipal Solid Waste Management in Thailand to 2037
J. Zhang - Tsinghua University (CN)
How to incentive carbon capture and storage technology application in waste-to-energy industry: a facility-level integrated assessment of China
E. Schmied, S. Scherhaufer, C. Diesenreiter - BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (AT)
Business-oriented solutions for surplus food redistribution
A. Montusiewicz, M. Bis, M. Zdeb, R. Panek, S. Pasieczna-Patkowska - Lublin University of Technology (PL)
Synthetic zeolites as additives enhancing the thermophilic co-digestion efficiency of sewage sludge and acid whey
M. Bis, M. Zdeb, A. Montusiewicz, E. Wołejko, U. Wydro - Lublin University of Technology (PL)
Influence of synthetic zeolites on variability of micro-/macro-elements and enzymatic activity in thermophilic co-digestion of sewage sludge and acid whey
T.H. Christensen - Technical University of Denmark (DK)
The future role of waste incineration in providing CO2 for Power-to-X
G.D. Pivari, A. Giacomelli, L. Mascheretti - Erion Compliance Organization S.C.a.r.l. (IT)
Overcoming systemic barriers in WEEE end-of-life management for the recovery of REE permanent magnets
S. Salhofer, S. Soudachanh - BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (AT)
What is state-of-the art in reuse und repair of electronics? An analysis of the sector in Austria and Europe
P. Caldarelli, V. Bresci, G. Lucifora - Erion Compliance Organization S.C.a.r.l. (IT)
Traccia-TO: a scalable model for improving textile waste collection and citizen engagement in european cities
A.M. Spies, K. Greiff, K. Raulf, N. Mayer, J. Juretschke, B. Küppers, X. Chen - RWTH Aachen University (DE)
Assessing lightweight packaging waste sorting processes to evaluate the potential for catalytic recycling processes
T.T. Lim, S.B. Tiwari, A. Veksha, W.P. Chan, G. Lisak - Nanyang Technological University (SG)
Phosphorus recovery from sewage sludge through synergistic thermal and acid-base integrated treatment strategies
S. Soudachanh, S. Salhofer - BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (AT)
Circular strategies for smartphones: a case study from Vientiane Capital, Laos
K. Houssini, J. Li, Q. Tan - Tsinghua University (CN)
Complexities of the global plastics supply chain revealed in a trade-linked material flow analysis
A. Nisar, T. Iqbal, G. Jilani, M. Umair , M. Ameen ul Haq - PMAS-Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi (PK)
Using microbial inoculants for enhancing decomposition of city waste and biogas production
A. Young, A. Hursthouse, A. Mat Said, E. Viza - University of the West of Scotland (UK)
Fly-tipping and household bulky waste management across Scotland: the case for inclusive local policies and a safer end-of-engineered life for bulky items
V. Villa, D. Vernola, E. Zanni, M. Ardito, G. Viscardi, F. Martini, G. Foddis, Y. Ponzani, R. Dellaca’, M. Roveri, L. Capelli - Politecnico di Milano (IT)
Low-cost portable sensors toolbox for methane emissions quantification in landfills
H. Candela, A.E. Illera, P. Barea, S. Beltrán, M.T. Sanz - Universidad de Burgos (ES)
Study of the production of lactic by valorizing second-generation biomass using water under subcritical conditions and alkaline catalysis
P. Barea, A.E. Illera, R. Melgosa, Ó.B. Román, H. Candela, M.T. Sanz, S. Beltrán - Universidad de Burgos (ES)
Biocascade approach to valorize okara by using subcritical water to obtain bioactive compounds: scaling up process
G. De Feo - Università degli Studi di Salerno (IT)
The Greenopoli method: engaging environmental education for sustainable waste management
A. Kumar, A. Uttam, M. Kumar Jat, A. Kumar - Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur (IN)
Evaluating environmental interventions for effective litter reduction: a case study of MNIT and Institutional Campus
G. Obersteiner, M. Kraml, S. Lenz, A. Noichl, R.Ottner - BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (AT)
Plastic Pirates Austria - Citizen Science for the analysis of plastic littering
I. Grinfelde, J. Burlakovs, K. Siltumens, J. Pilecka-Ulcugaceva - Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (LV)
Transforming educational models to foster eco-innovation by engaging students in sustainable waste management through a triple helix approach
M. Struk - Masaryk University (CZ)
Communication strategies and municipal waste management performance
K. Watanabe, T. Okayama, H. Yamakawa, M. Nonomura, Y. Seta - Teikyo University (JP)
Are Best Before Dates the date for disposal? - Date distribution of discarded food in sorting analysis of household waste
S. Luck, G. Obersteiner - BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (AT)
From knowledge to action: How a travelling exhibition on food waste empowers students in Austrian schools
S. Luck, G. Obersteiner - BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (AT)
Rethinking fruit and vegetable storage: Can retail interventions reduce household food waste?
E.E. Ndumbe, V.E. Manga, J.T. Foba - University of Buea (CM)
Ecological risk assessment of the shoreline microplastics polymer on the Limbe Coastline, Cameroon
A. Varma A., M.S.A. Samad, G.K. Varghese - National Institute of Technology Calicut (IN)
Reassessing the Leachate Pollution Index: the need for an updated approach in the era of emerging contaminants
S. Estévez, A. Arias, G. Gumersindo, M.T. Moreira - University of Santiago de Compostela (ES)
Transitioning to a certified economy from biological waste: fostering circularity and long-term sustainability criteria
R. Kakatkar, M. Soliman, R. Fiorio, K. Ragaert - Maastricht University (NL)
From recyclates to products: a holistic cost perspective for circular product development
R.R. Palatnik , D. Herzenstein, O. Ayalon, M. Muzri, A. Golberg - Yezreel Valley Academic College (IL)
Economic assessment of food waste treatment alternatives
A.M. Hatland, S.A. Welch, T. Mæhlum, W. Zobl, E.L.F. Gjengedal, K.E. Tollefsen - Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NO)
Buried threats: unveiling environmental risks of PFAS and heavy metals in landfill leachate
A.L. Brooks, J. Jambeck, M. Bilec - University of Pittsburgh (US)
Unpacking how community-based participatory research approaches are used to advance the circular economy of the built environment
R. Gajera, D. Khatiwada, M. Henrysson - KTH Royal Institute of Technology (SE)
Environmental and economic assessment of municipal solid waste management approaches in cities: Investigating uncertainty and policy scenarios
M. Niero, F. Albano, M. Frey - Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (IT)
Life Cycle Assessment to support the definition of decarbonization strategies in the steelmaking industry: challenges and lessons learnt from the GreenHeatEAF project
M. Firoz A., M. Shajan, N. Nandini, G.K. Varghese, S. Thiyyakkandi - National Institute of Technology Calicut (IN)
A scoring to system to evaluate the performance of entities at various levels of an MSW management system
A.F. Muhamad, R. Tajima - National Institute for Environmental Studies (JP)
Spatiotemporal analysis of river waste accumulation in Jakarta, Indonesia: insights from time series mapping of river waste traps
M. Krause, E. Thoma, A. Bryant, M. MacDonald, S. Thorneloe - United States Environmental Protection Agency (US)
Examining biases in remotely sensed methane emission estimates at landfills
M. Mladenov - University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy (BG)
Analytical characteristics of a method for determining zinc in waste from galvanizing factories
O. Baron, M. Rosenstiehl, C. Bloquet - SUEZ (FR)
Analytical process of AI in bounding boxing for waste characterization: optimising AI performance measurement
C. Rutkowski, T. Nigl, R. Pomberger - Montanuniversität Leoben (AT)
Revealing the inconsistencies: does the lithium-ion battery recycling needs unified analytical approaches?
M. Bredács, J. Geier, C. Barretta, M. Messiha, G. Oreski, G. Koinig, Sz. Gergely - Polymer Competence Center Leoben GmbH (AT)
Employing chemometrics and data science in mechanical waste sorting to facilitate circular use of polymer materials
A.P. Nascimento, M.B. Juarez, H.L. Giacheti, G. Mondelli - Universidade Estadual Paulista (BR)
SPT tests for MSW landfill sampling: a study case in Brazil
G. De Feo, A. Bove, A. Grosso - Università degli Studi di Salerno (IT)
Defining the maximum reliable threshold for separate waste collection: a multi-dimensional analysis and empirical validation in Campania, Italy
L. Vitola, D. Vaiciukyniene - Kaunas University of Technology (LT)
Transforming industrial by-products and wastes into raw materials in sustainable cement applications
É. Machado da Silva Guerreiro, A.F. Simões - Universidade de São Paulo (BR)
Waste-to-Energy: the pre-processing waste application into raw materials in Brazilian industries
V. Žepič Bogataj , C. Martínez-García, M.T. Cotes-Palomino, A.B. López, B. Mezek - TECOS, Slovenian Tool and Die Development Centre (SI)
Recycled sisal fiber-reinforced polypropylene derived from industrial waste stream
Y. Sun, X.-Y. Li, L. Lin - Tsinghua University (CN)
Green flocculant of Aspergillus Niger fungus cultured from food waste hydrolysate for enhanced sludge dewatering
Y. Dong, B. Yu, Y. Jia, X. Xu, P. Zhou, M. Yu, J. Liu - Tsinghua University (CN)
Influence of sewage sludge compost on heavy metals in abandoned mine land reclamation: a large-scale field study for three years
J. Geier, C. Barretta, M. Messiha, M. Bredács, E. Helfer, L. Meinhart, G. Koinig, G. Oreski - Polymer Competence Center Leoben GmbH (AT)
Detection of degraded polyethylene using near-infrared hyperspectral imaging
M. Peer, T. Fehn, A. Hofmann, B. Berninger - Fraunhofer-Institut für Umwelt-, Sicherheits- und Energietechnik UMSICHT (DE)
Chemical recycling of PVC-containing plastic waste for LED recycling
M. van Praagh, J. Jennerheim, J. Kaur - Swedish Geotechnical Institute (SE)
Emerging versus classic contaminants in construction and demolition waste – Challenges for circular use, end-of-waste criteria and landfilling
G. Obersteiner, K. Hofer, S. Luck, R. Ottner - BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (AT)
Analysis of the waste prevention potential of the mobile application Too Good To Go
F. Galli, J.C. Morais, J. De Tommaso, C. Bruel - Université de Sherbrooke (CA)
Hydrothermal treatment of electronic waste as an alternative to oxidative elimination of plastics
C.M.F. Vieira, G.C.G. Delaqua - Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro (BR)
Effect of adding blast furnace sludge on the physical-mechanical properties of bricks ceramics
L. Izquierdo-Horna, W. Gonzales-Flores - Universidad Tecnológica del Perú S.A.C. (PE)
Methodological framework for solid waste reduction and management in public educational institutions
R.K. Benmammar, Z. Bouberka, C. Malas, V. Mundlapati, A. Barrera, J.-N. Staelens, Y. Carpentier, M. Ziskind, C. Focsa, P. Supiot, C. Foissac, U. Maschke - Université de Lille (FR)
Transforming contaminated plastics from WEEE: innovative irradiation approaches
R.E. Śliwa, M. Zwolak, B. Pawłowska, Ł. Bąk - Rzeszow University of Technology (PL)
KOBO extrusion as a new process for recycling metal chips
N. Depope, W. Ipsmiller, A. Bartl - TU Wien (AT)
Recycled polyester from polyester/cotton textile waste - A combined green solvent and thermal analysis approach
M. Boháč, M. Krejčí Kotlánová, D. Kubátová, M. Nguyen, J. Holub, J. Švec, R. Novotný - Research Institute for Building Materials (CZ)
Calcined waste materials as SCMs for lower GWP of mansory and plastering mortars
P. Gerl, C. Zafiu, M. Huber-Humer - BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (AT)
Recovery of phosphorus from sewage sludge ash by carbonation and subsequent bioleaching
D. Over, E. Ayas - Eskişehir Technical University (TR)
Utilization of high alumina and high magnesia refractory brick waste mix in cement mortar
S. Feldbacher, D. Schwabl, F. Azizi, G.C. Eder, A. Gassner, T. Nigl, G. Oreski - Polymer Competence Center Leoben GmbH (AT)
Use of liquid-based separation technologies to enhance the recycling efficiency of End-of-Life PV modules
A. Juciene - Kaunas University of Technology (LT)
Calculating the environmental impact of clothing swapping
F. Azizi, U. Spitzer, R. Pomberger, T. Nigl - Montanuniversität Leoben (AT)
Optimization of water jet cutting for efficient recycling of silicon-based photovoltaic modules
C. Barretta, M. Messiha, L. Meinhart, B. Lechner, J. Geier, M. Bredács, E. Helfer, G. Oreski - Polymer Competence Center Leoben GmbH (AT)
Degradation of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and its influence on properties of recyclates
A.P. Bortoleto - Universidade Estadual de Campinas (BR)
Promoting sustainable cities: the importance of human behaviour in solid waste prevention
G.C.G. Delaqua, C.C.M.F. Vieira - Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro (BR)
Influence of the addition of glass powder in bricks ceramics
T. Waseem, M. Schmidt, N. Schnurrenberger, S. Griza, A. Gottlieb, D. Vollprecht - University of Augsburg (DE)
Internal recycling of iron foundry dusts using silicon carbide briquettes
J. den Boer, K. Sobieraj, E. Syguła, T. Noszczyk, K. Kuczek, E. den Boer - Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences (PL)
Food waste and its prevention in Polish schools and kindergartens
K. Sobieraj - Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences (PL)
Mesophilic vs. thermophilic food waste composting: a carbon monoxide production potential
A. Khadir, D. Santoro, A. Al-Omari, C. Muller, G. Nakhla - Western University (CA)
Intensifying anaerobic digestion with side-stream vacuum evaporation: a breakthrough in biosolids treatment
M. Xu, B. Yu, Y. Chen, X. Xu, W. Qi, Y. Jia, P. Zhou, J. Liu - Tsinghua University (CN)
Mitigating greenhouse gas emission and enhancing fermentation by phosphorus slag addition during sewage sludge composting
A.N. Chaudhry, R. Razzaq, T. Alam - PMAS-Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi (PK)
Evaluating efficient organic additive to boost sugarcane bagasse and rice husk composting with or without inoculum
X. Yan, J.W.C. Wong - Dongguan University of Technology (CN)
Enhanced acidogenic metabolism by the exogenous Acetivibrio thermocellus inoculum for biogas production from food waste in two-phase anaerobic system
Y. Wu, F. Xu, J. Yuan, H. Wang - Tsinghua University (CN)
Landfill microbial community structure and bio-metabolic process under different oxygen concentrations
K. Prasad, A. Garg , B. Kanoo - Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IN)
Performance of household level decentralized composting system for the stabilization of biodegradable fraction of municipal solid waste
F. Paillet, E. Crestey, A. Bejani, L. Bourdie, P. Camacho - SUEZ (FR)
Impact of composted substrate types on composting dynamics (sludge and food waste) and the effect of biochar addition on associated greenhouse gas emissions
C. Zafiu, E. Binner - BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (AT)
Impact of different screening technologies on the separation of plastic, metal and glass impurities from composts
B.A. Simmons - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (US)
Conversion of mixed waste feedstocks in the North San Joaquin Valley into advanced biofuels and bioproducts
H. Velten, U. Theilen - Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen (DE)
Influence of anaerobic digestion of microalgae biomass under mesophilic and thermophilic conditions on the solubility of phosphorus in the digestate
H. Velten, F. Brück, U. Theilen - Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen (DE)
Impact of a novel mixing system on the biogas yield of a lab-scale anaerobic pond
A.M. Fredenslund, L.A. Klotz, M.E Edjabou, C. Scheutz - Technical University of Denmark (DK)
Methane and nitrous oxide emission factors from ten garden waste composting facilities in Denmark
L.A. Klotz, A.M. Fredenslund, C. Scheutz - Technical University of Denmark (DK)
Garden waste composting in Denmark: methane and nitrous oxide emission processes
E. den Boer, M. Lech, J. den Boer, T. Noszczyk - Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences (PL)
Food waste characteristics and its recycling potential to valuable products
D. Krahe, F. Brück, U. Theilen, H. Weigand - Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen (DE)
Exploring the effects of rheology and differential pressure on the vacuum extraction of high-viscosity digestates
V.E. Messerle, A.B. Ustimenko, O.A. Lavrichshev - Scientific Production and Technical Center "Zhalyn" (KZ)
Thermal plasma treatment of plastic waste: thermodynamic analysis and experiment
A. Messineo, A. Picone, C. Corrado, D. Ticali, M. Volpe - Università degli Studi di Enna "Kore" (IT)
Waste to energy: hydrothermal carbonization of agro-waste for the production of high valuable solid biofuel
A.C. Gutierrez-Gomez, V.P. Garcilasso, M.M. dos Santos, K.L. Mascarenhas, J.R. Meneghini, M.S. Buckeridge, S.T. Coelho - University of São Paulo (BR)
The essential role of waste-to-energy technologies in municipal solid waste management in Brazil
H. Bhakta Sharma, B. Kumar Dubey - Sikkim Manipal University (IN)
Techno-economic and life cycle assessment of co-hydrothermal carbonization of food and yard waste for solid biofuel production
G. Calì, A. Pettinau, D. Battaglia, V. Arconati, C. Boccia, F. Parrillo, F. Ardolino, U. Arena - Università degli Studi della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" (IT)
Design and operating criteria of a large-scale steam-oxygen fluidized bed gasifier for mixed plastic waste
R. Kingsley Padi, M. Junginger, V. González Mallén, K. Maran, A. Martínez, M. Brandão - BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (AT)
From biowaste to hydrogen and hydrogen-based fuels: European case studies and environmental impact assessment
T. Rashwan, F. Khodaparastan, D. Payne, S. Barthaud-Newman, G. Howell, F. Fredriksson, L. Yeung,, I. Travar, A. Kihl, J. Brown, L. Kinsman, D. Liefl, G. Grant - The Open University (UK)
Applied smouldering to destroy PFAS and recover phosphorous from sewage sludge
F. Khodaparastan, T. Rashwan, J. Bowen, C. Switzer, G..P. Grant, J.K. Brown, M.A.B. Zanoni - The Open University (UK)
Understanding gas emissions from biochar production via smouldering combustion
S. Heberlein, W. P. Chan, G. Lisak - Nanyang Technological University (SG)
Versatility of the high temperature slagging gasification process for treatment of diverse waste streams in a demonstration-scale facility
G. Lisak, W.P. Chan, Y.Z. Boon, SAMB Yusoff, Y.H. Hua, L. Liang, V.M.P. Chin, P.W. Du, H.T, Bui, Z.Y. Zhang, X.F. Lin, K.H. Tan - Nanyang Technological University (SG)
Resource recovery from sewage sludge through the deployment of a demonstration scale high temperature slagging gasifier
K. Santin, J. Alvarez, M. Artetxe, M. Amutio, G. Lopez, M. Olaza - University of the Basque Country (ES)
Conversion of waste plastics into value products by fast pyrolysis and in-line catalytic cracking
L. Olazar, J. Alvarez, M. Artetxe, G. Lopez, M. Olazar - University of the Basque Country (ES)
Influence of process parameters on the pyrolysis and in-line dry reforming of HDPE
J. Jegy, K. Sigfridsson Clauss, J. Rissler, A. Strandberg, N. Skoglund - Umeå University (SE)
Chemical and morphological studies of bottom ash particles from co-combustion of barely straw and municipal sewage sludge
B.B. Perez-Martinez, A. Lopez-Urionabarrenechea, E. Acha, B.M. Caballero - University of the Basque Country (ES)
Co-pyrolysis of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and municipal solid waste (MSW) plastic-rich fractions: a synergetic effect on the enhancement of the pyrolysis oil properties
V.C. Andrade de Medeiros, F.J. Moura, F. de Miranda Gonçalves - Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (BR)
Thermal characterization of malt bagasse biomass and biochar produced via hydrothermal liquefaction
R. Gorji, L. Carvalho - Mälardalen University (SE)
Using hydrothermal carbonization by-products from horse manure to improve soil fertility: findings from pot experiments
N. Proietti - ReSource International ehf. (IS)
Comparative study of regular drone emission quantification and IPCC modelling for an Icelandic landfill
J.K. Park, R.H. Kim, S. Yun, S.H. Song, D.J. Kim, S.M. Kim, N.H. Lee - Anyang University (KR)
Estimation of biodegradability changes using age-defined waste in municipal solid waste landfills: a case study
M. Hrad, B. Spangl, M. Huber-Humer - BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (AT)
Long-term efficiency of methane oxidizing biowindows
R.H. Kim, S.I. Yun, S.H. Song, S.M. Kim, J.H. Ko, J.E. Kim, J.K. Park, N.H. Lee - Anyang University (KR)
Optimization of landfill aeration systems for methane mitigation: a case study
J. Huang, H. Wang - Tsinghua University (CN)
Impact of landfill site parameters and operational conditions on in-situ aeration of landfills: a numerical modelling study
S. Schmuck, M. Simon, T. Mietzel, T. Ricken, R. Widmann - University of Duisburg-Essen (DE)
depSIM meets AI - Potentials of combining dynamic simulations with AI for landfills
J.J. Velasco, M. Alarcón, J.C. Castañeda, A. Conrado, C. Nieto, D. Solarte - Hidrosuelos (CO)
Enhancing biogas production in landfills: challenges and the application of the RCM methodology in developing countries
J. Lampaya - Envirohub Trashform SLU (ES)
Autonomous eolic powered aerobic stabilization of ageing landfills. Amoroto full site experience
G. Barina, N.M. Proietti, G. Cordaro - Waga Energy SA (FR)
Optimizing landfill gas capture using gas field management tools and automated regulation systems
P. Bonilla, P. Kjeldsen, L. Fjelsted, J.E. Larsen, A.G. Christensen, R.R. Møller, C. Scheutz - Technical University of Denmark (DK)
Landfill aeration for reducing the aftercare period at AV Miljø Landfill, Denmark - Results of two years of aeration
L.F. Aquino, C.F. Mannarino, E. Ritter - Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (BR)
Environmental assessment of closed dump site in the rural area of Rio de Janeiro: case study and analysis of groundwater and surface water
P. Zidan, L.F. Aquino, A.F. Gonçalves, E. Ritter - Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (BR)
Bubbles formation in the geomembrane of leachate pounds: case study
T. Sperling, L. Novy, I. Wiebenga - Sperling Hansen Associates (CA)
Hartland landfill lateral expansion - Providing capacity to 2100
A. Sobral-Lores, S. Estévez, G. Feijoo, M.T. Moreira - FEUGA (ES)
EU taxonomy and wastewater treatment: driving sustainability and environmental compliance
R. Chu, C.M. Chan, W.P. Clarke, P.D. Jensen - The University of Queensland (AU)
Evaluating how blend ratios impact the degradation behaviour of bioplastics and the implications for treatment using typical anaerobic digestion infrastructure
S. Schmuck, C. Meyer, V. Preyl, H. Stichnothe - University of Duisburg-Essen (DE)
Rural urban nutrient partnership - Results from the continuous operation of a large-scale pilot plant for the recovery of recyclable materials from biowaste and domestic wastewater
D. Vernola, V. Villa, E. Zanni, G. Viscardi, R. Dellaca', L. Capelli, M. Roveri - Politecnico di Milano (IT)
Preliminary evaluation of a portable electronic nose for landfill odours classification and quantification
M. Smol, M. Andrunik, K. Ramm - Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PL)
Recovery and reuse of nutrients form waste generated in wastewater treatment plants - Case study of the Baltic Sea Region
G. Ferrari, R. Ferrari - GFambiente Srl (IT)
The valorization of the carbon footprint and the emission factor in the treatment of urban waste: the experience in a waste-to-energy plant
A. Tuñón Villafañe, L. Stone Sánchez - Econward Tech (ES)
Unlocking the value of organics: Innovative technology for municipal waste recycling and GHG emissions reduction
S. Scherhaufer, N. Brunnhuber, G. Obersteiner - BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (AT)
Environmental footprint of innovations against food waste
R. Hawley - Merichem Technologies (US)
Reducing large H2S emissions from construction and demolition waste landfills
O. Oberti, C. Romand, M. Trombetti, T. Depelchin, M. Nibart, A. Shah, P. Kumar , G. Broquet , O. Laurent, P. Ciais - SUEZ (FR)
Innovative biogas emission landfill monitoring and quantification thanks to 3D modeling and new generation of CH4 sensor network
D. Risk, R.I. Hossian, P. Buntov, Y. Dudak, K. El Hachem, C. Hall, T. Abichou - St. Francis Xavier University (CA)
Full-Scale controlled release experiments for investigating methane measurement performance at landfills
C.I. Palencia-Aguilar - Lund University (SE)
Sustainable landfilling after mining operations at Guasca Municipality in Colombia
M. Giovannetti, G. Cordaro - Scapigliato Srl (IT)
Large-scale automation for optimized biogas recovery and greenhouse gas emission reduction at Scapigliato landfill
P. Kumar, G L Sivakumar Babu, L. Rao - Indian Institute of Science (IN)
Life cycle assessment of landfill cover materials
C. Romand, O. Oberti, M. Trombetti, T. Depelchin, M. Nibar - SUEZ (FR)
Intercomparison of biogas emission landfill measurement method to assess their reliability and operability at scale
S. Ma, M. Lu, G. Yang, Y.Z. Zhi. Ouyang, J. Meng, H. Zheng, N. Huang, Z. Zhang, C. Zhou - Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN)
Carbon-negative transition by utilizing overlooked carbon in waste landfills
R. Gabbay De Souza, S. Kæm Berggreen, C. Scheutz - Technical University of Denmark (DK)
Global warming and carbon capture and sequestration potentials of scenarios for compost and biochar applications in soil
F. Ardolino, F. Parrillo, U. Arena, L. Privitera, S. Malvezzi - Università degli Studi della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" (IT)
A waste-to-hydrogen strategy for a sustainable railway transportation
M. Kriipsalu, J. Burlakovs, K. Orupold - Estonian University of Life Sciences (EE)
Full-scale biofilters for landfill methane mitigation: case study from Tallinn, Estonia
J.J.N. Santos, J.C.M. Souza, J.L. Almeida, M.D.O. Neto, F. Galli, A.R. Cabral - Université de Sherbrooke (CA)
Effects of methane loading and methane oxidation layer composition on the efficiency of a pilot-scale biofilter
J.C.M. Souza, J.J.N. Santos, Y. Dulac, M.D.O. Neto, F. Galli, A.R. Cabral - Université de Sherbrooke (CA)
Continuous monitoring approach for estimating methane oxidation efficiency in biosystems
A.P.C. Ribeiro, A. Figueiras - Associação do Instituto Superior Técnico para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento (PT)
Tenebrio molitor biomass and its applications
G. Baccani - University College Dublin (IE)
Solid waste management in rural areas of Global South: status assessment framework creation
N. Canova, D. Troast, I. Schoen, P. Tan - KTH Royal Institute of Technology (SE)
An evaluation of the social welfare impacts of informal silicon solar panel recycling in developing countries using the DPSIR framework
A. Elnaas, A. Nassour, R. Shahrabi - CDM Smith (DE)
Enhancing financial sustainability of solid waste management systems in the MENA Region
E. Trottini, G. Barina, O. Oberti, I. Chayat - Waga Energy SA (FR)
Feasibility study of biomethane production at the Meknes Green Landfill site
S. Fakhrona, A.A. Vinton, A. Francis, C. Angelika, A.Q. Mairizal, J. Wu - KTH Royal Institute of Technology (SE)
Material flow analysis of waste bank systems in Depok, West Java, Indonesia
D. Agudelo-Romero, G. Barina, E. Trottini - Waga Energy SA (FR)
Feasibility study for the deployment of a biogas-to-biomethane conversion solution at the La Esmeralda landfill, Manizales, Colombia
G. Sagoe, P.K. Dagadu, R. Omani-Mensah, M. Oteng-Ababio - Waste Landfills Company Limited (GH)
Driving material recovery in emerging cities through value communication: insights from Accra's Major Landfills
V. Kumar, V, Ahmad, P. Singh, A. Kumar Yadav, MS Rawat - Remote Sensing Applications Center (IN)
Appropriate site selection modelling for solid waste management using geospatial technology and analytic hierarchy process (AHP)
B. Amante, P. D’Abzac, E. Tapia - Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya (ES)
Bolivia's integrated waste management: a regulatory approach for sustainability and public health
L. Strachan, G. Glasgow, D. McMillan - Earthtech Consulting Limited (NZ)
Treatment of landfill leachate contaminated land: adaption of best practicable option approach to New Zealand’s high public whenua and environmental standards
C. Schöpke - Institute for Energy Technology (NO)
Isotopic evidence of landfill gas emissions in cover soils
G. Hafner, B. Kohler, L. Blandini - Universität Stuttgart (DE)
Preservation of existing buildings through resource-efficient and circular renovation and refurbishment - Example of facades
M. Zari, R. Smith, R. Ferrari - King Abdulaziz University (SA)
An approach for preliminary health risk assessment using SEM-MLA in the application of LFM activities
M. Horvat, J. Snoj Tratnik, D. Mazej, A. Alilović, M. Jagodic Hudobivnik, I. Falnoga, D. Kocman - Jožef Stefan Institute (SI)
Participatory research on human biomonitoring and environmental impact of co-combustion of waste in cement plants
E. Korzeniewska, M. Harnisz, K. Stefaniak, M. Męcik, P. Kruszewska, E. Felis, S. Bajkacz - University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (PL)
Beta-lactams resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae in Polish hospital wastewater - A preliminary study
M. Hejna, A. Białowiec - Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences (PL)
The hidden hazard in refuse-derived fuel use: a volatile organic compounds perspective
S. Ahmed, T.L. Gladding, C. Boardman - The Open University (UK)
Prevalence of antimicrobial-resistance in food waste and its potential for public health transmission as a bioaerosol
J. Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, M. Bertins, K. Siltumens, I. Grinfelde - Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (LV)
Potential indicators of household waste burning in urban air: a trace element analysis from Jelgava
N. Proietti - ReSource International ehf. (IS)
A journey into landfill digitalization and prospects for the future
Y. Zhang, Z. Wen - Tsinghua University (CN)
Unveiling the impact of domain knowledge and scaling law on open-source large language model specialization in anaerobic digestion
J. Chen, W. Lu, Z. Dong, J. Lu - The University of Hong Kong (HK)
Exploring large language models for automated recognition of construction waste composition
J. Singh - Lund University (SE)
Challenges and opportunities to circular management of material resources in the organic fraction of municipal solid waste
L. Natale, S. Rovetta, F. Masulli, M. Mohsin - Università degli Studi di Genova (IT)
The VALOR Project - VALORization of the reuse and treatment of waste electrical and electronic equipment
B. Yang, W. Lu, J. Chen, Z. Peng, L. Yuan, Z. Bao - The University of Hong Kong (HK)
Profiling illegal dumping using panoramic street view analytics
T. Trop - University of Haifa (IL)
Decentralized solutions for waste energy recovery in cities: the potential and challenges of micro-scale thermochemical technologies
G. Hafner, D. Drissner - Universität Stuttgart (DE)
Large-scale monitoring of food waste in private households and childcare centers - Comparative comparison of different methodological approaches
F. Feucht, A. Klöckl, S. Neuhold, K.P. Sedlazeck - Montanuniversität Leoben (AT)
Optimising automated refractory sorting: how a segmentation model will help evaluate and optimise singularisation of a spent refractory sorting plant
M.T. Yu, L. Principato, C. Cicatiello, C. Comis, L. Secondi - Università degli Studi della Tuscia (IT)
AI and food sharing: revolutionizing food waste tracking and mitigation
D. Leverenz - Technical University of Denmark (DK)
How smart are digital waste management solutions? Understanding measurement biases in food waste tracking systems and their implications for waste reduction strategies
W. Lu, J. Hao, Z. Peng, J. Chen - The University of Hong Kong (HK)
Prospects and challenges of emerging large language models (LLM) to waste management
D. Cazzuffi, S. De Meyer, F. Fontana - CESI SpA (IT)
A case study in Europe referred to the potential release of microplastics from geosynthetic applications
J. Kumpiene, S. Hazrati, J.N. Uwayezu, I. Carabante - Luleå University of Technology (SE)
PFAS in society: opportunities for a safer circulation of nutrient-rich sludge in Luleå, Sweden
A.L. Tasca, J. N. Uwayezu, I. Carabante, J. Kumpiene - Luleå University of Technology (SE)
Remediation of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances by single-step foam fractionation enhanced soil washing
M. Garczyńska, C. Ciotti - PVC4Cables (BE)
Detection and separation of End-of-Waste PVC cables containing lead, MCCPs and DEHP
F. Mattersberger, H. Rechberger - TU Wien (AT)
Qualitative and semi-quantitative analysis of various novel brominated flame retardants in plastics of the building and construction sector
G.S. Soomro, E. Conterosito, E. Longo, M. Lo Scalzo, A. Zenone, E. Boccaleri, S. Aprile, V. Gianotti - Università del Piemonte Orientale "A. Avogadro" (IT)
Tackling PFAS in landfill leachate: electrocoagulation as an innovative and sustainable treatment solution
V. Paramá-Pérez, C. Lores-Fernández, E. Roldán-Álvarez, S. Santorio, A. Taboada-Santos, C.M. Castro-Barros, L. Rodríguez-Hernández - Cetaqua Galicia - Centro Tecnológico del Agua (ES)
Assessment of the fate of microplastics in wastewater treatment plants
L. Selleck, S. Wagland, F. Coulon, D. Beriro - Cranfield University (UK)
Presence of microplastics in UK landfills and their role in the mobility of metals
B. Kopacek - Kopacek KG (AT)
Circular Economy business models and their practical application in different industrial sectors
R. Titos-Guillen, E. Licon, T. Alvariño, A. Taboada, S. Sentellas, M. Reig - Cetaqua Barcelona, Centro Tecnológico del Agua (ES)
LIFE CYCLOPS: Upcycling polyphenols from industrial olive oil waste
H. Yamakawa - Kyoto Prefectural University (JP)
Bulk buying to reduce single-use plastics in Japan: changes in consumer behavior over the past decade and the impact of municipal policies
M. Molenbuur, M.C.P. van Eijk, J. Harm Urbanus, H. Diepenmaat, K. Ragaert - Maastricht University (NL)
Perceptions and alignment on quality along the circular plastics packaging material chain
E. Schmied, G. Obersteiner - BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (AT)
Status quo and potential of re-use in the Austrian furniture sector
M. Quagliardi, A. Roncarati, E. Frapiccini, M. Marini, M. Panfili, A. Campanelli, P. Penna, S. Vittori, G. Borsetta - Università degli Studi di Camerino (IT)
Circular Economy in an inland aquaculture farm in Marche Region (Italy): new sustainable by-products feeds tested in brown trout (Salmo trutta fario)
R. Kopecká, M. Hrad, M. Huber-Humer - BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (AT)
Temporary material hubs - An innovative concept to foster Circular Economy
L. Liang, W. Chan, Y. Hua, Y. Zhao, S. Al Munawarah Binte Yusoff, V. Chin, Y. Boon, G. Lisak - Nanyang Technological University (SG)
From waste to harvest: phosphorus recovery from sewage sludge gasification by-products for hydroponic lettuce cultivation
E. Gorjatšova, H.M.V. Rui, K.G.V. Sigfridsson Clauss, N. Skoglund, J. Rissler - Lund University (SE)
Speciation of zinc in fresh and stabilised municipal solid waste incineration fly ash
A. Barrera, C. Binet, I. Benabela, P. Supiot, C. Foissac, U. Maschke - Université de Lille (FR)
Development of gel polymer electrolytes using ultraviolet radiation for the eco-friendly design of Li-ion batteries
F. Bergman, E. Gorjatšova, M. Strand, S. Janhäll, H.M. Vatten Rui, K. Karlfeldt Fedje, S. Sala, J. Rissler - Lund University (SE)
Zinc elemental environment in WtE fly ash studied by synchrotron-based methods
S. Pishgahi, R. Horne, B. Middha - RMIT University (AU)
Uncovering material circulation dynamics: Actor-Network Theory in circular digital procurement for residential construction
L. Granheim, U.S. Minke - Danish Technological Institute (DK)
Development of end-of-waste criteria for enhanced waste valorization and circularity: a case study on aggregate sludges
J.S. Rolver, B. Hauge - Technical University of Denmark (DK)
Consumer behaviour: a Danish study on barriers behind reuse of discarded mattresses towards a more circular society
P. Romano, S. Rahmati, R. Adavodi, I. Birloaga, F. Vegliò - Università degli Studi dell'Aquila (IT)
Hydrometallurgical process scale-up for rare earths recovery from End-of-Life NdFeB magnets
P.P. Virtanen, E. Immonen, R. Lautkankare - Suomen Erityisjäte oy (FI)
ScaTES - Scalable Thermal Energy Storage at landfill constructed from mineral waste materials
A. Spindlegger, L. Slotyuk, A. Jandric, R. Gabbay De Souza, S. Prenner, F. Part - Technical University of Denmark (DK)
Environmental performance of second-life lithium-ion batteries repurposed from electric vehicles for household storage systems
B. Silva , M.C. Paiva, C. Basto-Silva, H. Nunes, F. Pinho, V. Gama, J. Pires , G. Gonçalves, A. Marques, C. Gonçalves - PIEP, Centre for Innovation in Polymer Engineering (PT)
Circular strategies for sustainable innovation: tackling coffee capsule waste
C.M. Llamedo, D.R. Jove, L. Megido, Y. Fernández-Nava, F. Afshari, L. Alcalá, J. Rodríguez-Iglesias - Fundación Universidad de Oviedo (ES)
Blast furnace slag valorization as fluoride specific adsorbent in tertiary treatment of industrial wastewater and its comparison with ionic exchange
M. Suchowska-Kisielewicz, S. Myszograj, W. Winiwarter, B. Amon, J. Mazurkiewicz - University of Zielona Góra (PL)
Advanced methods of agricultural waste treatment: from waste to resource in a circular economy
B. Tomaszewska, M. Mukti, M. Tyszer, M. Kaczmarczyk - AGH University of Science and Technology (PL)
Circular economy in the field of waste geothermal water management
B. Hauge - Technical University of Denmark (DK)
New skills required for circular transitions: organizational learnings in five Danish companies from introducing recycled plastic in a range of products
H.-H. Song, D.-J. Kim - Hallym University (KR)
Synthesis of Mg/Al layered double hydroxide-biochar for the recovery of phosphate
K. Hofer, G. Obersteiner - BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (AT)
Food value: reduction of avoidable food waste and losses in the austrian primary production
M. Smol, P. Marcinek - Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PL)
Shaping circular economy policies in the wastewater sector - A stakeholder approach
L. Marchand, F. Baptist , A. Bonin, E. Bellemain, M. Louzon, E. Oppeneau - SUEZ (FR)
Estimating urban degraded soil health basing on chemistry, Ecotoxicology and ecology indicators - An alternative to the TRIADE approach
D.A. Boateng - Takoradi Technical University (GH)
Sensory denial
A. Mitzia, M. Jovičević-Klug, D. Raabe, P. Jovičević-Klug - Max-Planck-Institute (DE)
Red mud residue after plasma reduction for soil remediation: a pathway towards full reuse of toxic industrial waste addressing two environmental goals in one go
F. Fiore, M. Almeida, J. Silva, A. Jesus - Universidade Estadual Paulista (BR)
Risks of leachates from drinking water treatment plants sludge disposal in landfills and use in geotechnical applications
D. Panepinto, M. Ravina, M. Brignone, M. Zanetti - Politecnico di Torino (IT)
Consequences and risk modelling of Natech in industrial environments
M.T. Al Biruni, T. Ahmed - Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BD)
Use of medical waste incineration fly ash in compressed stabilized earth blocks
A.L. Brooks, I. Baldaro, J. Jambeck, M. Bilec - University of Pittsburgh (US)
Exploring approaches for quantifying and monitoring plastic litter emissions from building and construction activities
V.H. Gabriel, E. Jahn, K. Detter, M. Novak, R. Reinbacher, M. Pfitzne - FH Campus Vienna - University of Applied Sciences (AT)
Characteristics of polyolefin and polystyrene packaging waste in separate collection: a case study in Austria from 2021-2024
G. Thrupp, J. Lottig - Geosyntec Consultants, Inc. (US)
Air injection barrier to mitigate migration of soil vapor with chlorinated volatile compounds away from an industrial waste landfill