Discover the workshops accepted so far for Sardinia 2025 (updated on 21/02/2025). Further proposals may still be submitted >>
Please note that inclusion in the final programme is subject to author registration.
I. Carabante - Luleå University of Technology (SE)
PFAS removal from contaminated matrices
J. van der Heide, F. Molema, R. van Wijhe, S. Raven - Sweco Nederland B.V. (NL)
Unlocking the Black Box: solutions for sustainable management of old landfills
S. Salhofer, P. Beigl, V. Gonzalez Mallen, C. Zafiu - BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (AT)
Biogenic waste in the circular bioeconomy - Potentials and barriers
C. Trommsdorff, D. Agudelo-Romero - Waga Energy SA (FR)
Green landfills: best practices for optimizing landfill biogas management and maximizing its contribution to the energy transition
F. Part, C. Zafiu, C. Olscher, A. Polettini - BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (AT)
Circular plastics and advanced composites
J. Singh - Lund University (SE)
Zero-Waste Roadmap Game: operationalizing circular economy principles, system design, and participatory backcasting in policymaking