The International Waste Working Group, founded in 2002 and registered as a no-profit organisation, serves as a forum for the scientific and professional community. The IWWG aims to provide an intellectual platform to encourage and support integrated and sustainable waste management and to promote practical scientific development in the field. The group was conceived to provide a “home” for professionals and researchers, and give a voice to be able to beneficially influence waste management and research. WEBSITE
Raffaello Cossu, IWWG Executive Board /
Eurowaste Srl was founded to manage communication and educational tools in connection with research activities performed in the field of environmental engineering by the University of Padova. Over time it has become a service agency that works in national and international context in the scientific events organization. Its activities is addressed to the entire Scientific Community in order to support it in conceiving and organising congress, symposia, meetings, workshops and all kind of events. For the past 30 years Eurowaste has been organising International Symposia registering the participation of up to 1000 delegates from dozens of different countries worldwide. WEBSITE
Gioia Burgello, Symposium Manager
Elena Cossu, General Manager
Francesca Fava, Administration
Via Beato Pellegrino 23, 35137 Padova / +39 049 8726986 /
Ph.D. Degree in Environmental Engineering at the University of Padova (IT), she is currently working as a researcher at the same University, where she is teaching Water and wastewater treatment course. Her research activities aim to identify low-tech cost-effective solutions in Environmental Engineering, Waste and Wastewater treatment and management. Her research has been also focused on waste treatments to reduce their emissions potential before the final contaminants sink, the role of landfilling in Circular Economy, particularly on Sustainable landfilling, recently publishing the book “La discarica sostenibile: Ruolo nell’economia circolare e proposte normative” (“The sustainable landfilling: role in Circular Economy and legislative proposals”). She is member of IWWG and co-leader of the IWWGyoung task group.
Valentina Grossule /