PREPARATION OF FINAL PAPERS for publication in the Symposium Proceedings - DEADLINE: 31 MAY 2025
Following notification of acceptance of the submitted abstract, all Authors (including those scheduled for poster presentations) are requested to provide the following:
These documents should be submitted using the online form. Papers must be provided in Word format, not PDF, as they undergo a process of editing before publication in the Symposium proceedings.
There is no maximum or minimum length imposed on papers. Should you not be able to provide a full paper, it is also possibile to submit short papers or extended abstracts (2-4 pages).
Final papers must reflect the contents of the abstract originally submitted. Proper English must be used. If necessary, the paper should be checked by a native English speaker with expertise in the field. Papers not complying with the conditions above will be removed from the Symposium programme.
Please note that the Organising Secretariat will confirm receipt of all papers. Authors not receiving an e-mail notifying receipt of their paper should check with the Secretariat to ensure their paper has been effectively received.
Please avoid double submission. If you need to update your paper, please contact the Organising Secretariat at