ACTIVE LAB 01 + 02 / Monday 11 October 2021 / 15:00 - 18:30
Organised by:
Managed by: Alberto Pivato, University of Padova (IT)
Collaborator: Giovanni Beggio, University of Padova (IT)
Do you know which is the theoretical basis behind representative sampling of granular solid waste? Learn it by practicing!
Data reliability, considered in terms of uncertainty and variability, is determined by the analytical methods and the performed sampling procedures. The influence of this latter increases with highly heterogeneous materials characterized by the presence of trace, “rare” elements (both considered resources or contaminants), as occurring in the field of waste management. Nevertheless, the theoretical principles behind representative sampling are still not well understood in the waste community, which often underestimates its influence on the reliability of the resulting data and consequent decisions.
A practical experience will be organized where participants will explore the following topics: