SESSION F12 / 13 October 2023 / 09:00 - 10:30
Workshop: Evaluation of food waste prevention
Chair / Presidente: Gudrun Obersteiner (AT)
Food waste prevention measures at different stages of the food value chain have been implemented for many years in different countries. The evaluation of these measures should be part of every activity in order to be able to represent the actual success. Especially in the area of consumers, who are responsible for about 50% of all food waste produced, and in view of SDG 12.3, which among other things envisages a halving of food waste at consumer level (as well as retail level) by 2030, an actual quantification of the prevention activities carried out is essential. The aim of the workshop is therefore to present evaluated activities for the prevention of food waste and to discuss the criteria that constitute successful, measurable prevention of food waste.
Introductory lectures:
G. Obersteiner (AT)
Introduction to the workshop – Evaluation criteria
E. Schmied (AT)
Evaluation of food waste prevention measures at retail
K. Watanabe (JP)
Evaluation of food waste prevention measures at home
T. Okayama (JP)
Evaluation of food waste prevention measures out of home
G. Obersteiner (AT)
Evaluation of food waste prevention measures in agriculture
Interactive discussions: