SESSION G11 / 12 October 2023 / 15:00 - 16:30
Workshop: Semi-aerobic landfilling: online technology transfer
Chair / Presidente: Yasushi Matsufuji, Ayako Tanaka (JP)
Due to the global warming, large-scale natural disasters have occurred in many countries in recent years, giving rise to major social concerns. The Waste problem have become very serious in the African and the Asian region.
The authors received the projects from the United Nations Human Settlements Program (UN-Habitat) Regional Office for Asia the Pacific-Fukuoka related to "technical support regarding landfills using the Semi-aerobic landfill concept (Fukuoka Method)".
In this workshop, the authors would like to introduce their experience with these projects for stabilization and rehabilitation of existing landfills and construction of the Semi-aerobic Landfills in African and Asian Regions by sharing the progress photos and the design drawing, and instruction using technical manual and video created by SWAN member in the regualar On-Line meeting during Covid-19 pandemic and also would like to discuss as follows: