Enti Promotori
(in aggiornamento)

  • EWABA - European Waste-based & Advanced Biofuels Association

    Founded in 2013, the European Waste-based & Advanced Biofuels Association (EWABA) is representing the interests of the European waste-based and advanced biofuels industry. EWABA is a members-driven non-profit association that supports the promotion of waste-derived biofuels given their major contribution to the EU’s transport renewable fuel mix. The Association aims to secure public policies that enable large-scale deployment of sustainable biofuels across the EU, in the most efficient way possible. Through its advocacy, EWABA tries to address increasing inter-sectoral competition across the wider transport industry by incorporating climate mitigation effects at the core of its work. 

  • FEAD - European Waste Management Association
    FEAD is the European Waste Management Association that represents the private waste management and resource industry across Europe. Their members are national waste management associations covering 19 countries in Europe, including Norway and the UK. They represent about 3,000 companies with activities in all forms of waste management. FEAD's objective is to advocate for a better regulatory framework for the waste management sector, to achieve the best economic and environmental outcomes, and to strengthen the circular economy in Europe.
  • GITISA - Gruppo Italiano di Ingegneria Sanitaria-Ambientale

    Il Gruppo Italiano di Ingegneria Sanitaria-Ambientale (GITISA) è l’Associazione dei docenti universitari inquadrati nel Settore Scientifico Disciplinare denominato Ingegneria Sanitaria-Ambientale, che operano in oltre 25 Atenei italiani. I contenuti delle discipline afferenti al SSD riguardano: gli aspetti ingegneristici della tutela e della prevenzione dall’inquinamento degli ecosistemi; la progettazione, la valutazione d’impatto, la costruzione e la gestione di impianti per la depurazione e la potabilizzazione delle acque nonché opere ed impianti per il trattamento e lo smaltimento dei rifiuti solidi e degli effluenti gassosi; gli interventi di risanamento e bonifica di siti contaminati. Il GITISA, all’interno dell’ambito di specifica pertinenza, ha lo scopo di promuovere e coordinare sia le attività didattiche, che quelle di ricerca. All’uopo, esplica la sua attività mediante gruppi di lavoro, assemblee e incontri, collaborando altresì all’organizzazione di congressi, simposi, summer-school, anche congiuntamente ad altre associazioni ed Enti scientifici, sia nazionali che esteri. WEBSITE

  • WtERT Germany - Waste-to-Energy Research and Technology Network
    The Waste-to-Energy Research and Technology Network (WtERT) is an international top-tier-technical group that brings together experts from industry, science and municipalities with the objective of advancing the goals of sustainable waste management on a global scale for the benefit of our environment and to humanity. WtERT- sister organizations are located in many countries across the world.