Il programma scientifico del Sardinia 2023 è strutturato in 8 sessioni parallele ed include oltre 450 presentazioni selezionate in base alla qualità dal Comitato Scientifico di Programma.
Le presentazioni sono state organizzate in sessioni orali, workshop, Active Lab e poster. Le sessioni orali avranno una durata di 90 minuti, con 5/6 presentazioni seguite da un momento di discussione con il pubblico. I workshop saranno incentrati su temi più specifici legati alla gestione dei rifiuti e includeranno brevi presentazioni introduttive per aprire il dibattito tra i partecipanti. Gli Active Lab sono una serie di laboratori pratici in cui i partecipanti avranno l'opportunità di applicare nozioni teoriche, apprese durante le sessioni orali, a casi di studio reali e pratici promossi da un'azienda o da un gruppo di ricerca, così da fare esperienza diretta, imparare facendo e lavorare in team con colleghi ed esperti.
Oltre alle sessioni tradizionali, il Simposio quest'anno prevede quattro momenti di confronto in seduta plenaria: le Focus Sessions, che si terranno tutti i giorni al pomeriggio e saranno dedicate a temi specifici di alto interesse pubblico. Un moderatore, dopo una presentazione sullo stato dell'arte e un'introduzione da 2-3 esperti del settore, guiderà la discussione tra gli esperti e il pubblico. Il formato e le impostazioni della sessione saranno simili a un "talk show".
I Poster saranno sempre accessibili ai partecipanti al Simposio, in una zona dedicata. La discussione avverrà alla presenza degli autori dallunedì al giovedì pomeriggio dalle 16:30 alle 17:00. La sessione poster sarà inoltre accessibile anche digitalmente, consentendo la visualizzazione di video presentazioni pre-registrate, il download dei singoli poster e la discussione online con gli Autori da prenotare tramite la App ufficiale del Simposio.
Circular Economy
Decision tools, Artificial Intelligence,
Environmental issues
Biological treatment
Thermal treatment
Strategies, communication and
various issues
Italian session
Active Lab
Lunedì 9 Ottobre 2023
09:00 - 12:30
Chair: Raffaello Cossu (IT)
15:00 - 16:30
Strategies & policies in waste management
Chair: I.D. Williams (UK)
LCA in waste management I
Chair: V. Bisinella (DK)
Management of unconventional waste
Chair: C. Trois (ZA)
Waste generation & characterization
Chair: D. Panepinto (IT)
Landfill processes modelling & simulation
Chair: J. Gebert (NL)
Strategie e prassi nella gestione dei rifiuti
Chair: F. Tatano (IT)
Workshop: Organic waste fractions: Call for partners in EU projects proposals
Chairs: R. Tomczak-Wandzel, B. Szatkowska (NO)
ACTIVE LAB 01: Black Soldier fly larvae: a full-week test for biowaste treatment - Part 1
Chairs: V. Grossule, M. Meneguz (IT)
17:00 - 18:30
Textile waste: recycling challenges with regards to composition & contaminants
Chair: A. Bartl (AT)
Waste management and Ecology
Chair: K. Kuchta (DE)
Composting: strategies & pre-treatment
Chair: S. Schmuck (DE)
Separate waste collection
Chair: S. Salhofer (AT)
Landfill gas extraction & utilization
Chair: R. Gregory (UK)
Rifiuti organici e trattamenti biologici
Chair: . De Feo (IT)
Workshop: Waste Architecture
Chair: I.D. Williams (UK)
ACTIVE LAB 02: Black Soldier fly larvae: a full-week test for biowaste treatment - Part 1
Chairs: V. Grossule, M. Meneguz (IT)
Tuesday 10 October 2023
09:00 - 10:30
Circular Economy in EU: how far from recycling targets
Chair: M. Pettersson (SE)
Artificial Intelligence in waste management
Chair: W. Peng (CN)
Composting: processes & emissions
Chair: R. Moral-Herrero (ES)
Combustion technologies: strategies & advanced issues
Chair: L. Lombardi (IT)
Landfill methane oxidation systems
Chair: A. Cabral (CA)
Recupero di materiali ed energia dai rifiuti
Chair: G. Cappai (IT)
Workshop: Waste characterization practices in affluent & Developing Countries I
Chair: J. Fellner (AT)
ACTIVE LAB 03: Plasma application for the removal of emerging contaminants & micropollutants from water
Chairs: M. Saleem (IT), K. Altuntas (TR)
11:00 - 12:30
Critical issues and risks in Circular Economy
Chair: M. Huber-Humer (AT)
Artificial Intelligence in waste treatment monitoring
Chair: H. Zhang (CN)
Anaerobic digestion: processes & biogas production
Chair: S. Schmuck (DE)
Pyrolysis: processes & performance
Chair: A. Giannis (GR)
Semi-aerobic landfill and aeration
Chair: M. Ritzkowski (DE)
Discariche e sink sostenibili per i rifiuti residui
Chair: Q. Napoleoni (IT)
Workshop: Waste characterization practices in affluent & Developing Countries II
Chair: J. Fellner (AT)
ACTIVE LAB 04: Plasma application for the removal of emerging contaminants & micropollutants from water
Chairs: M. Saleem (IT), K. Altuntas (TR)
15:00 - 16:30
Waste sorting performance
Chair: J. Kumpiene (SE)
LCA in waste management II
Chair: T.H. Christensen (DK)
Biorefinery processes
Chair: V. Zepic Bogataj (SI)
Waste management in Developing Countries
Chair: C. Camolesi Guimarães (BR)
Landfill aeration specific aspects
Chair: N. Berge (US)
Workshop: Waste and Health
Chairs: M.C. Lavagnolo, M. Ferrante (IT)
Workshop: Fast fashion Vs Circular Economy
Chair: A. Bartl (AT)
ACTIVE LAB 05: Writing and publishing a scientific paper
Chair: A. Cabral (CA)
17:00 - 18:30
FOCUS SESSION I: Definition of waste and products. How far are we with the End of Waste procedure?
Moderator: Rainer Stegmann (DE) - Panelists: Pierre Hennebert (FR), Maria Cristina Lavagnolo (IT), Alejandro Navazas (BE), Maria Pettersson (SE)
Wednesday 11 October 2023
09:00 - 10:30
C&D waste: quality & classification
Chair: J. Lederer (AT)
Recovery of material from plastic waste
Chair: A. Navazas (BE)
Food waste generation & management
Chair: E. Binner (AT)
Education & communication
Chair: J. Gutberlet (CA)
Assessment and prediction of landfill gas
Chair: P. Kjeldsen (DK)
Workshop: Advanced issues in waste gasification
Chair: M. Materazzi (UK)
Workshop: Rethinking Circular Economy in view of biodiversity regeneration
Chairs: M.C. Lavagnolo, G. Felici (IT)
ACTIVE LAB 06: Monitoring techniques of odours in waste management
Chairs: T. Bonato, N. Quagliato, A. Pivato (IT)
11:00 - 12:30
C&D waste: policies & strategies
Chair: C. Trois (ZA)
Decision tools in waste management
Chair: A. Damgaard (DK)
Food waste minimization
Chair: P. Shaw (UK)
Thermal recycling of plastic waste
Chair: U. Arena (IT)
Aerial based landfill monitoring
Chair: H. Yoshida (JP)
Workshop: Recent development in landfill aeration
Chair: M. Ritzkowski (DE)
Workshop: Future for public communications about waste
Chair: I.D. Williams (UK)
ACTIVE LAB 07: Monitoring techniques of odours in waste management
Chairs: T. Bonato, N. Quagliato, A. Pivato (IT)
15:00 - 16:30
C&D waste: valorization
Chair: C. Trois (ZA)
PFAS in landfills environment
Chair: J. Kumpiene (SE)
Waste in agriculture
Chair: G. Cappai (IT)
Fly ash: characterization & treatment
Chair: O. Hjelmar (DK)
Leachate recirculation
Chair: K. Knox (UK)
Workshop: Ecotoxicology for waste management
Chair: R. Pedrazzani (IT)
Workshop: Elastane, the pest in textile recycling
Chair: A. Bartl (AT)
ACTIVE LAB 08: Writing and publishing a scientific paper
Chair: A. Cabral (CA)
17:00 - 18:30
FOCUS SESSION II: Do we need new definition and regulations for landfilling in Circular Economy?
Moderator: Raffaello Cossu (IT) - Panelists: Robert Gregory (UK), Kerstin Kuchta (DE), Peter Wessman (EU)
Thursday 12 October 2023
09:00 - 10:30
Recycling of WEEE
Chair: S. Salhofer (AT)
Microplastics in surface waters
Chair: M. Ferrante (IT)
Anaerobic digestion: biohydrogen & other advanced aspects
Chair: J. Wong (HK)
MSWI bottom ash: characterization & recovery opportunities
Chair: G. Costa (IT)
Waste landfilling: case studies
Chair: R. Stegmann (DE)
Workshop: Waste management in South-Eastern Countries
Chair: K. Kuchta (DE)
Workshop: PFAS removal from contaminated matrices
Chair: I. Carabante (SE)
ACTIVE LAB 09: Waste management strategies in view of material and energy system transition
Chairs: D. Laner, V. Bisinella (DK)
11:00 - 12:30
Packaging waste: characterization
Chair: M. Vaccari (IT)
Microplastics in composting & anaerobic digestion
Chair: A. Reichel (DK)
Greenhouse gases in biowaste management
Chair: E. Allegrini (FR)
Bottom ash in concrete production: process & environmental behavior
Chair: G. Beggio (IT)
Waste management case studies
Chair: G. Bertanza (IT)
Workshop: Circular Construction in Regenerative Cities
Chairs: K. Kuchta, J. zum Brock (DE)
Workshop: Potential of candidate materials for methane oxidation systems
Chairs: J. Gebert (NL), M. Huber-Humer (AT)
ACTIVE LAB 10: Methods and approaches to quantifying reuse and avoidance of waste
Chairs: P. Shaw, I.D. Williams (UK)
15:00 - 16:30
Innovative recycled materials from waste
Chair: M. Zanetti (IT)
Microplastics in different environments
Chair: A. Muntoni (IT)
Advanced wastewater treatment
Chair: W. Clarke (AU)
Carbon capture based processes
Chair: C. Eden (UK)
Landfill mining
Chair: R. Cossu (IT)
Workshop: From biowaste collection to high quality compost
Chair: C. Zafiu (AT)
Workshop: Semi-aerobic landfilling: online technology transfer
Chairs: Y. Matsufuji, A. Tanaka (JP)
ACTIVE LAB 11: Satellite data and low-cost gas sensors Landfill Monitoring Platform
Chairs: Y. Ponzani (UK), L. Capelli (IT)
17:00 - 18:30
FOCUS SESSION III: Reuse, upcycling, downcycling, sidecycling, bicycling: where to go?
Moderator: Jurate Kumpiene (SE)- Panelists: Uta Jenull (AT), Timo Lange (DE), Akira Otsuki (CL), Bettina Rutrecht (AT), Stefan Salhofer (AT)
Friday 13 October 2023
09:00 - 10:30
Hydrothermal carbonization of waste
Chair: S. Andersson (SE)
Material flow analysis and carbon footprint in waste management
Chair: A. Pivato (IT)
Soil remediation
Chair: T. Gisbert (FR)
Performance of covers Vs landfill lifetime
Chair: D. Cazzuffi (IT)
Workshop: Tools for evaluating the real convenience of recycled materials
Chairs: M.C. Lavagnolo, G. Beggio (IT)
Workshop: Evaluation of food waste prevention
Chair: G. Obersteiner (AT)
Workshop: Landfill gas management to meet methane reduction targets for 2030
Chair: P. Kjeldsen (DK)
ACTIVE LAB 12: Black Soldier fly larvae: a full-week test for biowaste treatment - Part 2
Chairs: V. Grossule, M. Meneguz (IT)
11:00 - 12:30
Products from hydrothermal carbonization of waste
Chair: M. Materazzi (UK)
Environmental impact assessment in waste management
Chair: G.K. Varghese (IN)
Packaging waste: recycling
Chair: J. Fellner (AT)
Aftercare and sustainability of landfills
Chair: R. Cossu (IT)
Workshop: Open issues in EU regulations on End of Waste
Chair: M. Pettersson (SE)
Workshop: Circular Economy in the Mediterranean area
Chair: O.Y. Marzouk (FR)
Workshop: Implementing modern WM strategies in Developing Countries
Chair: I.M. Rafizul (BD)
ACTIVE LAB 13: Black Soldier fly larvae: a full-week test for biowaste treatment - Part 2
Chairs: V. Grossule, M. Meneguz (IT)
15:00 - 17:00
FOCUS SESSION IV: ROUND TABLE - Role of Waste Management in meeting SDGs
Moderator: Marion Huber-Humer (AT) - Panelists: Margherita Ferrante (IT), Jutta Gutberlet (CA), Gudrun Obersteiner (AT), Michal Struk (CZ), Dongbei Yue (CN), Ian Williams (UK)
Poster session - dal 9 al 13 Ottobre 2023